Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Needing to write again

Writing for me has always been my poor man's therapy. I have talked through so many issues on paper. I have trouble thinking in a straight line in my head. Ideas seem to blow through my head like a summer breeze. Filling it with swirling possibilities one minute and disappearing the next. If I don't capture them on paper when they show up, I am bound to lose them and find myself saying "what was that amazingly good idea that I had yesterday". So here I am in 2011, a year that is bound to bring all sorts of new ideas blowing into my head. I started massage school at the end of January. I actually did it. Just the initial step to starting down a new path is exciting to me and opening the window to my mind and letting in a fresh breeze. So although I have less time than ever, I feel the need to write. To mark the path as I go so I can see how far I have come, when I get there (where ever there is).

a href="http://beautythatmoves.typepad.com/beauty_that_moves/2011/02/i-am-ready-to-work-with-you-30-day-vegan-cleanse.html">30 Day Vegan

Another opportunity that I have snapped up is the chance to take a 30 day online class with Heather B. of the blog beauty that moves. It has been one of the two blogs that I visit daily. The name of it is 30 day vegan. Don't be fooled. I am not planning on becoming a full time vegan, but I do want to become a part-time vegetarian/vegan and am looking forward to the class that starts on March 7. So I look forward to sharing my thoughts and learning from that as well.


Unknown said...

Enjoy the cleanse. I am also participating and hope to see you around. Writing is so cathartic for me too. I hope you begin writing again. xo m.

HowtoBEaCOOLoldLady said...

I totally relate to your reasons for blogging. I have become slightly less cathartic in my blog (long story) but never the less, am a chronicler of my quest to create the life I dream of!! and the ups and downs on the way. Likewise am not planning on full time veganism, nor even vegetarianism. but just to lean more in that direction. definately into whole foods and from scratch cooking..... great that you have started a massage course! Well done you!