Since being off of work for 3 weeks now, the thing that I am enjoying the most is the gift of time. Time to stop and follow my mental meanderings and take that internal journey through thoughts and feelings and sometimes to follow more corporal inclination to want to know what is down that street. Today I had the time to do just that. Both kids were in school today, so I decided to skip the gym and go walking at Town Lake in McKinney. There is a Rec. center right before the turn off for the lake and there were signs for a book sale. I pulled in....I had time. I looked around for a while. I did leave with one book I have been wanting for a while called 'I Love Dirt'. It is a book about activities to encourage children to interact with nature.
On the way to my car I saw that back behind the parking area was the beginning of a nature trail. I went and looked at the trail map and saw that there was a meditation garden further down the trail. I was curious. I decided to explore...I had time. I started down the trail about 50 feet only to find the path 6 inches deep in water for the next 50 feet so I had to turn back. I look at the map again and realized that there was another entrance a few feet down the road. I found the entrance and started down the path. This path had little raised bridges to go over the water. It was perfectly lovely. It only takes a little wilderness to forget that 75 central is less than 100 feet away. I walked for a little way and then jogged a little bit. There was a serpentine creek that followed the trail for most of the way. After about 15 minutes I came across the Meditation garden. It was a stone circular labyrinth. So very cool.
I decided I would give this form of Meditation a try. I started on the path and followed slowly to center all the while talking to God about the progress I have made on my goals I am currently focused on. It was very soul restoring, a spiritual exercise. The best way I can describe it is like doodling with your body so your mind is free to focus on other things. I will definitely be going back there....if I have time.
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